Friday, August 14, 2009

Scary movies and Hannah Montana

So there are 2 things I have to talk about today. The first, is scary movies. I absolutely LOVE scary movies. Any of them- cheesy, scary, gory, silly- I will watch them. I can predict almost every scary movie and deep down, I realize how dumb most (or all) of them are. The thing is, I get scared during at least one scene in every "horror" movie. Even when I know what will happen, even when I recognize how stupid and asinine the plot is, I will jump or scream or my heart will beat super fast and I get skittish. It's so stupid, I know, but I still do it anyway. Now, the thing is, you'd think I would decide to not do this to myself. Do I? Nuh-uh. I'm sitting here right now watching a "horror" movie (which I can already predict the ending of) and scaring the poo out of myself. I've already jumped once and have now taken to typing to distract myself from the scariness of it. You see, horror movie writers and directors have really got my number. Then know how to 'reel' me in (ha! get that pun!!) with their previews and plots and my love of being scared. That's the biggest draw for me, I think. I believe that above all of this, I actually semi-enjoy being scared. It's weird because I actually AM frightened even though I am positive that none of this would happen to me, but I guess I like it.....? How weird and twisted is that? So, I'm blogging tonight, courtesy of The Strangers. And yes, I do think this movie is kind of dumb because who would stay in the country in the middle of the night after some weird chick came to your door? And why wouldn't you have already called the cops when that happened?

My next thought for the day is brought to you courtesy of the DVD release of Hannah Montana. I've expressed this thought to many children, parents and teachers because I feel it's very important. The concept of Hannah Montana has the possibility of making our children think that everyone is extremely stupid. So the concept is this brown-haired, slightly unpopular girl dons a blonde wig at night and performs 'awesome' music and NOBODY knows it's the unpopular girl from school. BECAUSE SHE PUTS ON A WIG!!!!! I mean, the concept is just absolutely ridiculous. I could see maybe one or two time not recognizing someone with a wig on, but the "cool" girls at school go to her concert (and I believe even meet her backstage) don't recognize her. Ever. I'm sorry, but that's not even realistic in any way and it leads our children to believe that people are dumb and you can just fool anyone you want with a wig. It makes no sense. And so, you people that have (or will have, shout to Kristen-don't let Caroline watch this!!!!) please either let your kids know that people are smart enough to recognize someone in a wig and this show makes no sense, or don't let them watch it. I opt for the second choice, but that's because I've actually sat through an episode of the show and Miley Cyrus over acts everytime she's on screen and it annoys me. But hey, I get that your kids may want to be "cool" and watch her, so whatever floats their little boats.

That is all of my deep thoughts for the day. I know, I know, I'm so profound that it's amazing I don't work with an older population.


Nancy Moore said...

We're just testing the comment section for granma. Stay tuned for more if it works.

mark said...

If you think the movies are scary. Wait til the "Grandma" comments start coming.

Paul and Leslie said...

He Meg, you should watch The Haunting in Connecticut...just about the scariest movie ever. I mean besides that .com one we watched. Miss you.