Monday, August 10, 2009

New day, new job

Started the new j-o-b today and let me tell you that I think I'm going to really really love it! First off, I started at 10:30. Um, what?!?!?! That's crazy compared to old school job where I had to get up at 5 to make it to school by 6:30 to plan for the day. So, awesome check number one. Then, my boss bought me coffee. Awesome check number 2. Then, I see a kid, which is great. The "office" has mats, swings, balls, a BALL PIT and tons of toys. So, I just play. Awesome check number 3. When I'm not seeing kids, I don't have to do anything. No paperwork, no plans, no nothing. I either see kids or I'm free to do what I want with no guilt or obligations to do something else. Awesome check number 4. I can pick up evals or write goals for extra money if I want (which I do right now!!) but I don't have to. Awesome check number 5. I can plan my own schedule. Awesome check number 6. All of it seems to be adding up to a really really great job! The downfall is that when I don't have enough kids (like right now) I'm not making any money. That is not awesome. But overall, I think it's gonna be a super great job and I'm so excited about it!!! Hooray!


Kristen said...

I'm so happy for you Megan!

Hailey HRH said...

i had no idea you had a blog! i am now following you. one of my besties lives in DC and she loves it! good luck with your new job.