I'm kind of crazy and (when I can) I like to run early in the morning before work. This is very early. Like 5 in the morning early. In the summer, I run outside because it's actually pleasant but lately here it's been about 30 in the mornings before warming up in the afternoon. Clearly, I did not make it on a run outside today but instead decided to go with the trusty old treadmill. Since running on a treadmill is soooooooo boring, I always turn on the TV if there's nobody down there. Obviously, I didn't have to worry about this today so on went the TV. Now, I'm sure everyone has at one time or another turned on the TV a little too early and gotten to catch some AWESOME infomercials. I mean, besides CNN and the rainbow screen + "beeeeeeeeeeeeeep," that's about all you can get. I guess since it's so close to Valentine's day, all the holiday-specific companies have decided to get on with their infomercial making selves. First, I flip to a channel and this is on:
If you've never seen this, it is Yoga Booty Ballet. I've actually seen this before and seriously, I cannot stop saying it like a million times every time I see it. Not too weird, I guess but I flip the channel and this is the next one I see:
Perfect for that special lady (especially when you're pushing 30) ...... A BEAR!! And, not just any bear but a "Love Bandit" bear. If I got this from LP, I would seriously die laughing. I mean, a teddy bear? It's so spectacularly wonderfully dorky, I can't wait until someone I know actually gets this as a present.
Last but most definitely not least was this tasty nugget:
Yup. "Male enhancement." At 5 in the morning. That will definitely wake you up!!!!
I hope this helped all of you decide what to get your special someone on this upcoming holiday season.
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