Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today is Fat Tuesday. I am always so bummed that I can't celebrate this holiday! It seems so fun and happy and there's beads and drinks and masks and cool stuff. Unfortunately, I always work on Wednesdays so that means no going out and getting crazy on a Tuesday. Instead, today I went to the gym and had a great workout, then came home and ran down at the trail since it was GORGEOUS outside. When I got home, I realized I was out of spinach for my salad for lunch tomorrow so I decided to head over to Whole Foods. As I walk in, I think it sounds kind of loud and there was some New Orleans-style music playing so I thought (for some dumb reason) that the voices were on the music or something....? I don't know. Turns out, not the music but the employees of Whole Foods were having a Fat Tuesday parade! There were several groups of employees and they had turned shopping carts and those carts they use to put out veggies and stuff into floats by decorating them with cardboard boxes, foil, paper, basically whatever they could find in the store. They all had clackers and beads and whistles and were handing out beads. There was even a guy with a crown and no shirt who was riding on top of one of the "floats!!" It was so great and put me in the best mood. The dude who checked me out was in a great mood because of it also and it made me even happier. I guess if I can't celebrate Mardi Gras downtown, this was definitely a great substitute.

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