Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm so flippin exhausted right now. School is back in action and that means that I am once again totally wiped out. I will give you just a brief timeline of my first few days.
6:45 I arrive at school (early, right?)
7:25 kids come in
7:45 bell rings
7:46 kiddo runs out the door
7:50 I catch him
7:51 he kicks me
8:02 walk with the itty bitty kiddies to breakfast
8:04 one throws up
8:15 back to class
8:17 outside time ("push me on the swing" "chase me" "slide down the slide with me" "come look at the leaves with me" "let me throw dirt in your hair")
9:00 potty time, how it takes 8 3-5 year olds 30 minutes to pee is beyond me but it does
9:35 utter chaos, aka "free centers" - this is where they proceed to pull every toy off the shelf, spread them all around and run around the room
9:45 the second group arrives so for 2 hours there is twice as many children
9:48 little girl runs around the room as I try to grab her, she's on the table, she's in the bathroom, she's pulling the paper off the bulletin board, she's coloring ON the easel (sans paper), she's on the chair, she's pulling someone's hair, she's throwing a toy, SHE IS EVERYWHERE!!
10:00 I want to eat my arm off and then collapse, unfortunately I have to play "baby" where a child feeds me fake food
10:30 clean up time
11:00 circle/music time
11:01 I jump up to get that same girl as she bolts out of the circle
11:02 I wrap my legs around girl and bribe her to stay with chips
11:45 some kids go home (thank you, Jesus)
11:46 lunch time
I have no idea what happens next because I go into a coma

And so it goes, the rest of the day, for god only knows how many weeks. Someone may need to come rescue me from my couch in the following weekends. If you don't, I may just sit here, staring into space, drooling from the exhaustion.

1 comment:

Kalinda said...

I wish you would detail your day everyday...because I KNOW it just gets better and is never the same.

I'll kick that kid back for you, since I know you can't and all...