Monday, June 4, 2012


this weekend was my little bitty cousin's graduation. he's got a full ride to unt to play football (offensive lineman), so you can imagine how "little" he actually is- ha! it was a great time with lots of family and too much food. 

i got upgraded on my flight home and i'm such a dork that i really wanted to take pictures. i got warm nuts, mimosas, a yummy salad, and a warm cookie! what?!?! awesome. lp picked me up and brought weebay so the tow of us had alittle love fest on the way home. i missed that pup!!

now is when i start bragging. when i got home, lp took me around the house. oh, that wonderful boy had been up to all kinds of stuff. he had gone to the store, put up blinds, put up all kinds of stuff on the walls and hooked up my new hose and hose keeper thing. i'm telling you, he's amazing. the house looks awesome and the best part is that he did it all while i was gone. plus! he gave weebay a bath so he'd smell nice for me. i mean, seriously. cannot get better. 

here's my week in pics. i was super busy so didn't get too many. it feels like june is just going to be like that. busy. but i guess that's life for everyone in the summer!

weebay's favorite thing to do when he's hot. plop down and roll in the grass. 

this was the first time in forever that i had a hotel room all to myself. it was so weird!!!

mom brought more records for me to take home. our little record collection is growing!!

missed him. 

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