Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I used to work with some really awesome people who thought what I said was so random and funny that they called them "Meganisms" and I thought I'd share a little bit of how my brain works. not because you guys probably haven't heard them already, but just because i'm bored and thought of some.

1. when i calculate a weekend, i only count the days in between. for example, this morning it was wednesday so there was only one day until the weekend. see, once you wake up today doesn't count and then friday actually IS the weekend, so only thursday counts. one day.

2. man panties = manties

3. i really hate discussing having an upset tummy, so i like to call it a grumpy. because your tummy is so mad at you that it hurts you.

4. i sing things rather than saying them. the kids i work with have told me i'm silly, weird and the "most hyper adult" they've ever met. LP laughs at my little songs. other people think i'm joking. but actually, i just like making up little songs. ps- they are really stupid, like, the other day i made up a song about walking to the metro and eating french toast.

5. sometimes, i think people need a bit of overacting so i will throw out some dramatics and exaggerate how i say things or fall down or say things really loud. drama doesn't have to always be bad or mean, sometimes it can be hilarious drama.

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