Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ugh. I'm bad a blogging. But, I will now make up for it with a post. I went to DC last week to visit LP and we had so much fun (again)!! I really like that place. It's busy, but not crowded seeming and everything is so cute and old. Good thing I like it, since I'm moving there (hopefully-pending job). I went up on Thursday. Unfortch, he's at a 6 week training in VA so he had to stay out there until Friday afternoon. This was all cool though because he left the key so I could stay at his house, AND I'd just purchased my first fancy-schmancy camera. For those who do not know, I am in the middle of taking up photography. I want to be Mrs. Photographer Lady and am going to take my first class soon!! Back to the story, since I got the camera I wanted to take it for a test drive. Even though I have NO idea what I'm doing. So Friday I got up and went to eat at my favorite little diner in DC. It's so cute! It's in a row house and the owners work the grill and there are regulars and everything. Last time I was there, I told LP I wanted to be their friend and I actually DID make friends with them. They even remembered me this time!

So cute, right? It's called Jimmy T's and apparently has been there forever! After that I started walking around and trying out my camera. Here's how my FIRST EVER test run with the camera went (sidenote: I will continue to post pics as I hopefully improve so NO JUDGING the first round!).

Cute little book store next to a cleaners, all in a row!

It's The Capital. Of America. That's all I got.

Ok, I did attempt Photoshop here. Brightened the hue, blurred the edges. You totally can't tell.

I love this carousel. Everytime I see it, it makes me so happy. It's just hanging out, on the mall, waiting for me to ride it. Soon, little carousel, soon.....

I took this (trying out how to work the camera inside) at the Museum of Air and Space. I really want to go in a hot air balloon sometime.I don't know why. This looks like the one I think I'd like to use.

Here's my pretty flower picture.

I made my way to the White House. Unfortunately, no one was around for me to talk to about a pay raise.

OK DC is crazy about our president. Union Station has the "Obama Store" (seriously, that is what it's caled) and all over are rows like this one. They sell pretty much the same stuf......


Hello, Mister President.

Saturday we checked out the Newseum (best place to visit ever. Really. We were there for 3 hours and didn't even notice). I didn't take any pics though because who really wants to see a bunch of pictures from inside a museum? Nobody. I'll continue to update as I take more pics and hopefully they'll be better!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Busy busy bee

Sometimes I'm the most productive person ever. Today was one of those days. I worked and then headed to the gym. It was a good workout, the kind where I was bopping to the music and lifting heavier weights and felt really strong. Then, I went to the store really quick (forgot my feta!) and headed home for a run outside. Well, not really a "run" run because I do what I call my EOS. I walk Every Other Song - hence, EOS. I know, I'm like super clever, right? Anyway, when I get home I decide to bake mah squash I bought yesterday. It's actually a spaghetti squash, so you cook it and then when it's done you rake through the insides of it and it comes out like spaghetti!! While this big old squash is cooking, I start the "big clean." I try to do like massive cleaning about 3-4 times a year. Most of the time I just kind of spot clean things but every once in a while I like to move everything and clean and dust and mop and stuff. That time is now. I started today with the kitchen. All counter space is now thoroughly clean. Including the sink. Man, I am a dork. Anyway, about the time I'm finished, so is my squash! So I scrape it's guts out and put a little pesto, mushrooms and pine nuts with it and eat it! Then I take out the trash and make my lunch for the next day and it's alreay 7:30. I am exhausted now so I quit, but be afraid house- I'm back to cleaning you tomorrow!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fairy Princess

This is my shout out to Eric. I love this guy. He's mean, crude, loud, impulsive, hyped up all the time - basically, awesome. And gay. Since I hang out with him so much, I would call myself a "fag hag." Now, for those who may not know, a "fag hag" is a girl who hangs out with gays a lot. Like, goes to the gay club, has a gay BFF, goes to big gay events; pretty much a gay but a girl. Most of these girls alwao happen to be on the chubby side and are usually not the best looking ladies. I'm not judging, I'm just saying.....Anyway, one night Eric and I were out at tha' club and I referred to myself as a "fag hag." Eric decided that this just didn't cut it. He reasoned that I wasn't fat (sweet!) and I was not ugly (great!) and not in love with him. Although I hang with the gays, I did not know at the time that many fag hags were in love with their gay. I do adore Eric, but as a brother. Or a relative that you have to love (kidding!). So we decided that I needed a new name. Eric came up with "princess" which is appropriate because my parents also call me this but I decided that "fairy princess" was much better. I am now starting a movement to patent this phrase. It's not for everyone so don't go throwing it around but it is appropriate for those girls who have a gay friend that they enjoy hanging out with and keep themselves mildly in shape, are not hideous and by NO MEANS are or will ever be in love with their gay friend. So marinate on this, embrace it and feel free to throw it around as you see fit.