Wednesday, May 9, 2012

strangers with weebay

triple play of strangers today. these are all from trucko de mayo and let me tell you, strangers were all up in weebay's business at this event. probably about 15 people stopped to pet/play with/pick up my sweet little peanut for the hour and half we were there. it was like heaven for weebay. i only got 3 of the strangers that were loving on weebay but they all happened within 10 minutes. while we were waiting for our food. 

first up, this guy told his lady friend, "honey, LOOK at this dog. we need him." i totally agree, sir, totally agree. 

next up, the guy taking orders for the food truck actually came out to play with weebay. weebay loved his apron and the guy loved weebay. he called his wife over from the beer stand to check out this precious dog. 

lastly, a lovely lady and her boyfriend freaked out about weebay. the guy was awesome- big old body builder type guy with muscles, shaved head and sunglasses. tough guy. he actually told his girlfriend that they were getting a dog just like weebay. look at weebay's face in this- it shows exactly how he feels about attention. 

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