Sunday, April 15, 2012


it was a crazy week. seems like this month is a crazy month, actually. i had tons of work stuff, lp went on a last minute trip wed-sat to rochester (woo hoo) and my weekend was packed. friday i worked, then hit up the mall for a bit before i came home. i cleaned the floors and picked up the house, then went to have a drink with shea. saturday i went running and took weebay to the park for about an hour before i ran to the store. then i picked up eileen, bought flowers and plants and planted them. that night i had to go to a work dinner at cava (yessssssss) and came home asap to see lp since he got home while i was at dinner. today i had to go into work for a bit then we all went to a puppy class for weebay. let's just say that although he has some work to do, he won the trainer over with his cuteness. i can't believe it's sunday. i am exhausted and the next few weeks are going to be just a crazy, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that we make it through.

morning cuddles with my little buddy

tuesdays outfit
thursdays outfit
i pulled two of weebay's teeth this week!!!!

weebay thought he was the bomb at the dog park
then he passed out
his favorite new spot since the weather is nicer
my saltwaters
plants at fragers
my backyard
pretty little flowers
going out for dinner
lp made me bacon pancakes. they are as good as they sound.
little buddy all pooped out
seriously. tired.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Caroline has saltwaters and LOVES them. She even has tan lines from them.

Hey, where did you find those yellow-ish jeans..I LOVE them and would be perfect for after the baby!