Friday, February 10, 2012

hair do's

i will not lie- my hair did not look like this. i took the "tutorial" below and modified it to make it work for my hair. and let me just say, both lp AND our friend (a boy!) we went to dinner with, complimented my hair!!! so, here's what i was attempting:

but what i ended up doing was pinning up the top section of my hair for a minute. i split the lower half of my hair into two twisty buns, back combed the top portion and then pinned it back into another bun in between the other two buns. i probably should have taken a picture but i was in a hurry and forgot. my point to all this was really that you actually CAN do something with your dirty, messy hair besides just a topknot (which is my go-to!!!)!

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