Monday, December 5, 2011

gobble gobble

so for thanksgiving mike's wonderful family invited me to come over and eat with them! it was a beautiful day in the district, so i made up some pumpkin cream cheese muffins and my megwiches and walked over to mike's. yup, i could walk there- bonus!! sidenote to this- i woke up at 4 am that morning. no, not because i wanted to, but because i couldn't stop sneezing. so i popped a claritin. big mistake. allergy pills make me feel freaky in the head (a phrase i coined while on allergy meds) so when i woke back up i went running and almost got lost. back to the story. i got to mike's and everyone was there, so it was appetizer time!!!

part of the spread
mike's fabulous centerpiece
checking on the turkey

mike's singular candlestick
just cooking it up
mike and i decided to open some wine. this started me on a path to kookiness. wine+allergy meds=super freaky in the head.
mike and his family relaxing

proud turkey papa
soon enough, the turkey was done and it was time for food time!! we set the table, turned on some christmas tunes (my request) and gathered around.

mike's family pup
crazy guy who stalks mike came over

time for a rousing game of clue!!!!

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