Monday, November 14, 2011

feelin the love

update on my life: i've been busy. since lp left, i've been keeping very busy. lots of yoga and running, lots of drinks with friends and lots of sleep! a few weekends ago was halloween. mike and i (picture 1 below) went to a party at a friends' house. i hate dressing up (because i'm awful at thinking up costumes!) so i dressed up in lp's old navy clothes! the following weekend, i met up with my friend's eileen and blair (pictured below #2). eileen and i started off having lunch at a place called pearl dive, which has an indoor bocce court upstairs in the bar. OF COURSE we had to play after lunch. blair came to meet us and we sat around having delicious frozen drinks and chatting. which led to more drinks. which led to grabbing some cheese and bread at whole foods, taking it to eileen's place and having champagne! one of my favorite days!!! next up, my birhtday!! as soon in picture # 3, i got lots of flowers. lp surprised my by sending me flowers! from africa!! they're the lillies in the middle (one of my favorite flowers). he also sent a present to mike's office. such a sweetie pie! i was so surprised. on saturday, blair and chris and shawna and i all went out. blair is awesome and brought me treats- tiny glitter cowboy hats and crazy sunglasses (picture #4 and on). we had a great time!! who knew tiny hats could create such a stir? seriously, EVERYONE asked about the hats, we got free drinks and most of all, we looked hilarious. i loved it! the past few years my birthdays have involved silly accessories for the guests involved and these were great additions. enjoy the silly pics!!! ps- lp comes back in 3 1/2 weeks. countdown to commence shortly.

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