Saturday, January 31, 2009

In my head

When I was running today, I started thinking about when I go to visit LP in DC. I have what people call "secret plans" all the time in my head. These are things that I plan but don't tell anyone about until later. I get made fun of a lot because I'll have a whole day planned out from what to eat to places to go. Anyway, my plan today was about my upcoming trip to DC. I think I'm going to go during my spring break (hooray school!) in the middle of the week and stay through the weekend. The only problem with this is that LP will be working during the week so I have to think up things to do. So, today I decided to plan what I would do while he was at work one day. Here's the secret day I planned:
- Get up
-Go running around the neighborhood
-Get some coffee on the way back
-Shower and get ready
-Walk to LP's work and meet him for lunch
-We eat lunch at somewhere and it is delicious
-He goes back to work
-I walk (or take the subway) to the zoo
-I check out the monkeys
-I meet back up with LP
-We have a drink at a bar he usually goes to
-We go eat dinner at a place he's been wanting to go to for a while
-We go home

Sounds nice, right? I was really proud of my secret plan and I cannot wait to actually do it. I'll let you allknow if the reality is as fun as it was in my head.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Counting down

So, I'm counting down until my very special bf leaves for DC. Sigh. I'm super pumped for him- he will have a job again (yay!), it's something he really wants to do, and it's in a really cool city. Flip side is I am going to miss him. Sigh. It sometimes feels like we will seriously never be in the same city, although the good thing is that this time we are not dating other people. That sucked, so I'm psyched I don't have to go through that again and I know he isn't either! I will write more on this later I'm sure, but it's gonna have to wait until he's gone so that I can spend time with him now!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Street folk

SO, this is definitely not my thing. Blogging, that is. But it is 2009 so maybe it WILL be my new thing. We will just have to wait and see.

Ok, I have a problem. I live downtown and I've always tried to be nice to the homeless and crazies around in hopes that we could be friends and they could look out for me and we could be friends. Kind of. Anyway, that is not working out for me. First, we had the guy who blew me a zerbert. Next, we have a lady who, as LP and I are walking down the street, looks straight at me and yells, "STAY OUT OF MY F'ING BUSINESS, B****!!!" I swear, I didn't even look at her or anything. Then yesterday, we're walking around and we walk past this guy. He's looking like he might hit on me or try and molest me or something, but as we get right next to each other he looks at me and says, "Hey asshole." What??? Why would someone say that? I didn't even do or say anything!! Oh, street people. Why won't you let me love you?!?!?!