Thursday, April 12, 2012

secret stalker?

a few weeks ago i started a book club. before we all go patting me on the back, there were only 3 members (now 4, as of last night!!) so not really a crazy big book club, but it should be a good one. the ladies in it all love to read and as we sat around before the opening night of the hunger games movie (don't be jealous) we tried to pick what book to read first. i had just started 50 shades of grey after i saw a little segment about it on the today show and lp read a few articles about it in the ny times. so i told them what i knew about (supposedly racy, lots of sex and some s&m type stuff?) and we decided that we would read it. unfortunately, i read fast. like, really fast. so not only did i read the first one but i read all three. these books were....interesting? i have to say i thought the writing itself was shit, the content was intriguing and the overall story was kind of lame. the sex scenes were a little racy, but definitely not as crazy as i thought they would be. i would go more into detail but my grandma looks at this blog. so anyway, i had talked about it with several people throughout the time i was reading all these books. after talking about it, several people (including lp) told me to read the story of o, which apparently is a super racy french book that was written anonymously at the time. fast forward to last night: i get home from work and there's a package for me. i open to find this:

i think "oh i have the best boyfriend, he sends me books." so i text lp and ask him if he sent the book. his response? "nope." so what we have here is a super sexy book sent by someone that i have not identified. i don't know if i should be excited for the new book or creeped out that some rand-o sent me a sexytime book. if anyone knows who sent me this book, please feel free to let me know so i'm not freaked out anymore.

ps- my favorite review of 50 shades of grey is here. this website is the bomb.

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