Friday, April 13, 2012

lace and frills

i was going to write something today, but i went to the mall instead. i had a gift card to nordstrom's that lp's mom gave me for christmas (i know, it's almost sacrilegious that it's taken me this long to spend) so i decided to head over to pentagon city after work. if you know me, you know this is a BIG deal, as i hate to leave the city and pentagon city is probably about 1/2 a mile outside of the city so i rarely go there. anyway, hit up nordy's (got a pretty crazy dress that we will see about) and then decided to wander around for a bit since i had a while left on my parking time. sidenote: how annoying is it that you have to pay to park everywhere in and around dc? i mean, the mall? really? i'm already going to spend money and then you have to tack on an extra $2 to really stick it to me. when there's a time limit (ie 0-2hours=$2) i try to stay until the last minute to really "get my money's worth." hrrrummpfff. back to the story at hand, i wander. wandered to american eagle, where i almost always find something but never think to go unless i walk past it and then to victoria's secret. yeah, i needed some lady garments. so i go to try on a certain undergarment that goes up top (i don't why but it's weirding me out to say bra on the internet) and the lady that is helping in the dressing room decided to be superhelpfulsaleperson. she is asking me if i found everything ok (um, yeah, as well as i can in a place with 500 kinds of bras and undies) and if i needed to be fit for a bra (no thanks, pushy lady). then, she looks at the sizes and says, "ok, so a ----- bra? (ha, i'm not telling yall what size i wear! get outta here with that!) um hey, lady, i didn't really want to tell the whole store what size i wear but thanks for the shout out. the moral of this story is watch out for those crazy v-secret ladies. they've gotten pretty pushy these days and if they don't want to feel you up, they may give your size a little shout out instead.

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