Monday, April 9, 2012

monday musing

yall, i'm gonna make a confession- pinterest makes me nervous. now don't get me wrong, i'm out there pinning and repinning and liking and whatever but on the inside i freak out a little each time i get on there. see, the whole thing feels like it's highlighting my weaknesses:
1. DIY: i can't make stuff to save my life. when people say things like, "why buy what you can make?" i'm saying, "because making it takes three times as long, won't look as good and stresses me out!!!" i have never been super crafty. i can barely paint a wall, much less stain and design an old coffee table.
2. design: confession- i can't hang a picture straight. for that matter, i can't write in a straight line or even line up bullet points in a word document straight. true story, my boss laughed at me once because i couldn't see that all the standard scores in a report weren't lined up. all the home design stuff on pinterest looks awesome but i have no clue (or desire) on how to make all that come together. i wish i did, but (as in #1) i'd rather pay someone to come do it for me.
3. cooking: me+kitchen=disaster so everyone's delicious looking recipes make me want to run to their house for a bite to eat before i go hide my head under the covers in shame. i'm not a cook. it stresses me out, i burn myself (or the food) and it's an overall bad experience for the people around me.

so that's my dilemma. i'm on pinterest but i'm a secret self-hater when i pin. the only thing i really enjoy on there is all the fashion, photography and inspirational pins. maybe i should stick with that? and the worst thing is that i am now recruiting lp to do the things that i can't (won't) do myself. elaborate meal? lp can cook it! cool wall design in pictures? lp loves to do that!!! make your own rug? i'm sure lp can do that. the only solution i can think of is to quit my job and devote all my time to making things i see on pinterest.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Duh...that's what you have me for...I'll fly up there and help you decorate (while we're wearing our matching mexican dresses) and then no more stress...before you know people will be pinning your awesome house!