Sunday, April 8, 2012


happy easter!!! lp, weebay and i had a lovely morning eating breakfast tacos and doing some laundry, then decided to hit the mall for a long walk. it was beautiful outside- sunny and 70. unfortunately, it's been super duper windy here lately and today was no exception. i really dislike wind. it blows my hair in my face and dries out my eyes and blows dirt and dust in my contacts!!! so the wind was out, but we enjoyed a long walk up and down the mall filled with strangers petting weebay, weebay jumping in the pond and then taking a nap while we walked, and ending with a messy sno-cone (it was a disappointing sno cone).

my baby and me in front of the washington monument

thank goodness for his collapsable bowl!!

such a good little waiter (yeah right)
he decided it was time for a nap

right before he jumped in......
....and ended up wet and cold (but we think he kind of liked it)

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