Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Market with mom

when my mom was here this weekend, we took her to eastern market because she had never been (weird, right? i mean, i've lived here for 3 years and never taken her all the times she's visited???). anyway, if you've never been to eastern market, it's awesome. there is crafts, jewelry, knick knacks, pictures, food, flowers, fruits and veggies from local farms- basically all kinds of interesting stuff. we started the day by taking mom and kevin to our favorite pizza place- 7th hill. i got a pizza and lp got their veggie sandwich (which is delish!!!) and we shared. god, i love that he shares his food with me!!! i used to date someone who was a non-sharer and it made me so sad!!! i mean, who doesn't have the urge to order more than one thing on a menu? anyway, i digress. so we split those things. unfortunately, i was so hungry i only got a pic of the last bite.....yum. after eating we walked around. weebay met so many strangers and dogs he loved that he ended up falling asleep on the street by the end of our trip there. i had to carry him to the car!!!! such a fun day with my mom!!!!

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