Wednesday, November 23, 2011

leaves, leaves, leaves!

one of my favorite things about living on the east coast is the leaves. in texas, everything just goes from green to brown and back to green. but here, oh my, the leaves turn all sorts of pretty colors!! i'll admit, it can sometimes be a little annoying because eventually, there are leaves EVERYWHERE, but i still haven't lost my excitement about pretty leaves. there's a tree outside our house, which has decided to turn it's leaves a pretty yellow color and is slowing giving all the leaves to our street. this morning when i walked out, it was like it had snowed. only with leaves. (please ignore the horrible black scratches on my car)
this is the sidewalk- leaf/snow!!!!!
my car. somewhere under there.
front steps- perfect for keeping our house clean and leaf free.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm so jealous. It's beautiful!