I'm having a real problem this season of Project Runway: I don't really like any of the people on the show (except my dearest Tim). I honestly enjoy this show, even though it's a "reality competition" show (which isn't really my cup of tea). I mean, these people have all really been trying to design clothes. You can't just up and decide that you want to be on PR and go try out. You actually have to know how to design and sew, have a portfolio, and most important, have some creativity. Here's a rundown of the people I can remember on the show, which isn't all of them, and what I know about them that I care about.
Blaine- ugh, if I have to hear one more word that he puts "licious" on the end of, I swear I am may have to start cutting myself to numb my anger. He's so obviously trying to be the young, funny, gay guy that people love. Well, let me know how that goes for you because I personally want to take your thread and needles and sew your flipping mouth shut.
Suede- anyone who talks in third person has some things they need to figure out. Moreso, the blue hair thing weirds me out a little bit. He looks like he popped out of 1996 and should be listening to Alice in Chains.
Keith: I just realized this guy was on the show last night. What's up with his hair? Is that a rat-tail at the bottom? Wha? I haven't seen that since I was in 5th grade and this kid had a really long one that he used to braid and I would always wish he would let me braid it for him. Also, the bandana thing he tries to rock is weird. I feel like he should be painting a house, not designing clothes.
Stella- leather, leather, leather, leather, leather. How boring. Do the judges really think she's gonna pop some awesomely interesting ideas out IN LEATHER?!?!?! she needs to go.
Kenley- I think that's her name. You know, the conceited, 40's inspired girl? that's all I know about her. I do like her bangs though.
Terri- kind of scary girl looking clothes. But I kind of like them. Her? I know nothing about.
And that's it. I know there are other people on the show but I couldn't tell you their names or anything about them. It's so disappointing. I don't watch many tv shows (I'm more of a movie person) so the ones I do watch, I get really excited about. So, boo to you Project Runway, with your changing networks and give up attitude. I am flipping you the bird. From my couch.
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